Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Obligatory Introduction

If you're reading this, I can only assume that you took a wrong turn somewhere in the network of internet tubes. You misclicked, your mouse shattered on the ground, and you've ended up on my blog. Now you're staring at your screen in horror, desperately trying to remember the keyboard shortcut for the Back button.

Fear not, gentle reader. You're quite safe with me. I do not use this blog to present my Hentai collection to the world or introduce you to the latest in body modification (don't do a Google Image search!). I won't even post images of my cat, mainly because I don't have a cat. I promise that nothing on these pages will make you want to scoop your eyes out with a spork. Unless I link to Warren Ellis.

So what can you expect from this blog? Well, I am currently starting an MSc. programme with its main focus on Machine Learning at a wonderful British university, and I expect that will colour the Gaussian Noises that this blog emits. Look forward to reading about my take on current research, old ideas, and any weirdness that I might come across. Of course, I reserve the right to post off-topic once in a while. But I promise: No cats!

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